214 Lafayette Street
November 4, 2022
We are pleased to present a group exhibition ‘Shadow and Crowd’ in collaboration with Von Klaus Gallery at the historical building 214 Lafayette Street. The exhibition is on view from November 4, 2022, featuring works of Han Xinyu, Yang Shibin and Whoisbwhitey. Growing up in two of the most crowded metropolitan complexes in the world, Shanghai and New York, the experience Han Xinyu has mostly perceived is loneliness. As the nineteenth-century French poet Charles Baudelaire identified in his essay The Painter of Modern Life (1863), Han finds herself being a flâneur observing modern urban life. As the dilettante wanderer of the common street life in the modern city, Han believes being alone is no longer about loneliness, but a status of an individual. Yang Shibin was born in 1979 in Sichuan, China. He is a director of Zhejiang Artists Association and a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and currently works and lives in Chongqing and Hangzhou. Yang focuses on each individual figure in everyday life from a personal perspective in his works. Instead of presenting the reality, his rendering of themes goes beyond the subject of the painting to evoke the interality. Injecting his own artistic inspiration which flowered out in colour and texture, Yang’s paintings demonstrate the appeal of immaterial reality.